Mystery of Mead Old Drinks, Modern Brewers
Please note: As of August, 2023 I am rebuilding my web site after it was compromised. My apologies for any inconvenience and patience as I try to make this a better resource.
what you can find ON MYSTERY OF MEAD
Case studies of specific mead recipes discussing historical context, ambiguity, interpretation, and paths to my modern recreations.
Informal to formal write-ups on more general aspects of mead history and other topics.
Guideposts and links for research. Bibliography for contents of this site. Glossary of mead names/styles.
Wine, ale/beer, cider/perry, fruit wines and other fermented drinks. Distilled alcohols. Concocted drinks made by adding flavors after fermentation: hippocras, cordials, and medicinal drinks.
The Mead Report.
I'm working on "Gold and Sweet, Ensnaring: Mead in Great Britain Prehistory to Elizabeth I" with a hopeful publication date late 2023.
Contact me at
Wellcome Mead
Wellcome Mead presents 105 historical mead recipes and their variants (29 additional recipes). Each of the recipes has been drawn from 17th and early 18th century English household receipt books held by the Wellcome Library in London. Although the recipes are drawn from a focused time and geography, they showcase the breadth and complexity of historical mead recipes.
The book is available from Amazon.